Backstage Salle Pleyel Nicolas Brionçon
Stage director, Actor
Nicolas Brionçon is a Stage director, Actor
About Nicolas Brionçon
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Son of a magistrate, nothing predisposed Nicolas Briançon theater. But at thirteen, after attending a screening of The Magic Flute by Mozart, filmed by Bergman, he became interested in opera. He discovers the stage at the Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux. He took courses in theater, then at the Théâtre de l'Atelier in Paris .
He leaves some time in the southwest in the company of Roger Louret , where he meets the young Muriel Robin or Annie Gregorio Nicolas Married, Ellie Goulding , Pierre Cassignard ... He learns happiness trestles village squares , shows mounted in a few days of life troop .
But Nicolas Briançon returns to Paris , working at the Comédie- French where it is directed by Yves Gasc in Turcaret Roland Bertin . Then suggested he be attending the staging of Jean Marais, he will leave this meeting with a role, and it will create Bacchus Jean Cocteau at the Festival d' Anjou ( of which he became director a few years later ) before continuing in the theater of Jean Claude Brialy Bouffes Parisiens .
This collaboration with Jean Marais last ten years, until the latter's death. Bacchus addition, he will play under his direction The Infernal Machine and, at the request of Jean Marais, will stage its latest show: The Knights of the Round Table by Jean Cocteau. Meanwhile, Nicolas Briançon theater plays without interruption: Michel Fagadau (And only), Jean Paul Lucet (The Fisher King Julien Gracq), Francis Perrin (The Marriage of Figaro), Françoise Fabian (Britannicus). He participated in the creation of Years Twist Roger Louret at the Palais des Sports de Paris and the Folies Bergeres where the show will get the Molière for best musical. He is an assistant on this show and it will manage the show in Paris and on tour.
After four years of triumph with this " music " and work in the service of others, Nicolas Briançon decided to take its destiny in hand and goes Jacques and his master of Milan Kundera , three nominations Molière . Later, he goes on shows, as a director or actor : Ariane or forgetting Michel Deon , Future Conditional Xavier Daugreilh to Tristan Bernard , The Liar Corneille Hébertot Theatre, The Directors Daniel Besse ( Molière best private theater show ) , Antigone by Jean Anouilh at the Théâtre Marigny Barbara Schulz and Robert Hossein , Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw ( eight nominations Molière ) , Prince transvestite Marivaux Pascale Arbillot and Valérie Karsenti, the Imaginary Invalid by Molière, the Trojan war will not take place Jean Giraudoux , The Armoury Florian Zeller .
In 2004, Nicolas Briançon became director of the Festival d'Anjou which he always assumed the artistic direction after Jean Claude Brialy and Francis Perrin.
At the same time , we see more and more often to the cinema (with Michel Blanc , Valeria Bruni- Tedeschi , Cédric Kahn Cédric Klapisch , Fillières Sophie , Sophie Marceau , James Huth , Maiwen The Bescot , Olivier Assayas , Audrey Estrougo ) and television ( Marc Rivière , Claude D' Anna , Laurent Jaoui Gilles Béhat , Charlotte Brandström Marcel Bluwal ) . Recently , he participated in two of the most important creations of Canal + : Olivier Assayas's Carlos where he plays Jacques Vergès and Maison Close Mabrouk el Mechri where he plays the male lead role: the terrible Gaillac . There two years , he directed the Festival d'Anjou Twelfth Night Shakespeare (seven nominations including that of Molière director ) and last season at night time with Anne Charrier at the Studio des Champs Élysées . He played in The Watcher Michele Placido with Daniel Auteuil and Matthieu Kassovitz and at the same time he joined the distribution of the fourth season of Gears for Canal +. In 2011 , he staged Volpone or the fox Ben Jonson (with Roland Bertin ) at the Théâtre de la Madeleine.
In 2013, Nicolas Briançon Divina staged at the Théâtre des Variétés ( Amanda Lear ) and Lies statements Theatre de la Madeleine ( Samuel Le Bihan , Marie- Josée Croze and Michael Cohen) .
In 2014, Nicolas Briançon staged Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare Theatre de la Porte Saint- Martin in Paris among others Ana Girardot and Niels Schneider.
Biography Orchestre National d'île de France
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